December 13th 2015
Well we are approaching the end of the year and many things have changed in the past six months so I thought I would summarize things.
Indian generic Harvoni
Harvoni is a combination of two drugs made by Gilead. Harvoni is Sofosbuvir 400mg and Ledipasvir 90mg. It was made specifically to fight Hep C genotype 1 and is most effective against this genotype but it is not much better than other combinations such as Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir. Gilead has spent a lot of money promoting Harvoni so there is a perception that it is THE drug for genotype one but the reality is that it is probably only one or two percent more effective than Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir.
That said it is still a very good treatment for genotype 1.
Branded Harvoni retails at around US$90,000 for 84 tablets in Western countries such as the USA and in Europe.
Licensed generic Harvoni was released in India this month (December 2015) and retails in India for about US$1,250. It can be purchased from many online resellers and shipped to just about anywhere in the world but the prices vary greatly as soon as it is resold to Westerners.
The correct price for Indian generic Harvoni shipped by DHL to anywhere in the world is around US$1,500. However I have seen numerous prices as high as US$3,500. It still astounds and saddens me that people can be so greedy.
So if you are considering purchasing generic Harvoni from India then you should not be paying much more than US$1,500. Sure if you have a reliable supplier who charges US$1,600 or even US$1,700 and guarantees that you will receive the medicine without any problems then pay the little extra but don’t get ripped off.
I can certainly help you get generic Indian Harvoni shipped to you for less than US$1,500 from very reliable and honest suppliers.
Along with the release of generic Harvoni in India came the release of licensed and unlicensed generic Daclatasvir.
Daclatasvir is made by the pharmaceutical company Bristol Myers Squib. Combined with Sofosbuvir it is a highly effective treatment for all genotypes of Hep C and it is MUCH cheaper than Ledipasvir.
The advantage of the Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir combination treatment for Hep C is that it has a very high cure rate for all Hep C genotypes. This means that if you live in a country where the cost of getting tested for genotype is extremely high you can simply order Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir and take it knowing that you will have a better than 90% chance of curing your Hep C regardless of the genotype. For Genotype 2 and Genotype 3 the cure rate is above 96%
And Sof+ Daclatavir is much cheaper than Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir.
The reason for this is that Daclatasvir is much easier and cheaper to make.
A 12 week treatment of Daclatasvir will cost you about US$350 compared to about US$1,000 for Ledipasvir.
This means is you buy a 12 week treatment of Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir it will cost you about US$1,300 delivered.
So if you live in Romania or some other such place where the relative wages are low then you save on the cost of the genotype test and the cost of the treatment, saving about US$500 in total.
The Sofosbuvir story is pretty well told already. Sofosbuvir is still the foundation of modern Hep C treatment and other drugs are added to Sofosbuvir to enhance its performance.
Sofosbuvir is selling in India for less than US$800 for a 12 week treatment and can be purchased online, including shipping and other costs for around US$1,000.
I am happy to assist anyone wishing to fly to India to buy these Hep C drugs by supplying the names and contact details of honest and reliable suppliers in India. I do not charge for this service nor do I get any commissions or any other financial reward from the people or hospitals that I recommend. Flying to India is a good option if you live in a country such as the USA, Serbia, Italy etc that makes it hard for its citizens to import by mail order.
If you live in a country like Australia or the UK or Romania etc where it is easy to import Hepatitis C treatments by mail order than I can also help you with this.
Please email me if you have any questions: