Artbank_300x300.jpgIt’s been harder to write this blog mainly because I’m tired and humourless. My life is more a list of things I haven’t done than things that I have. Both my brothers had their birthdays this weekend. I didn’t make it to my big brother’s lunch with his friends in Soho on Friday. Then I didn’t make it to his family lunch in Sussex. I did make it to my little brother’s house yesterday for his birthday. Although I enjoyed seeing everyone I felt tired and heavy and empty. I mostly chatted to my 7 month old nephew.

Driving home I felt about as achy and sore as it’s possible to feel and still be moving about. I raged at cyclists and put my head on the wheel to close my eyes at traffic lights. When Louie pointed out that I can’t beep every cyclist as they are doing nothing wrong, I nearly cried.

At this point in my last treatment I was coming up to a quarter of the way through. Right now I’ve got 2 weeks and 1 day left. There’s no doubt that despite the fatigue and discomfort, this treatment is much more manageable. I may not be having a social life but my work hasn’t suffered.

The pic is some painting I like down at Southbank. I took the pic walking back from a meeting last week.

P.S. after my lasts blog a friend sent me this link to explain the cotton tied round trees.

This entry was originally published April 22, 2013 on The Hepatitis C Trust. Reprinted with permission