scaled_smile britannia print by inkie 2_300x300.jpgWhat a difference a week makes. Because I slept most of last week I got very behind on work. This week I’ve worked pretty much night and day getting up to speed. I’ve enjoyed it. I started to feel better half way through the week so it felt good to be productive. I feel prepared for Ibiza now. I’ve had so much help from the people at the International Music Summit. Instead of worrying about how I’m going to cope I’m looking forward to it.

I don’t feel any bad side effects at all from the drugs. I feel better and less tired. I remember Louie starting to feel better while he was on these drugs. I kept a diary of his treatment. I re-read it recently and noted that he’d said he started to feel ’clean’ in the last month.

People say everything happens for a reason (which makes you want to punch them) and often in hindsight you get to understand that reason.

This week I’ve been filming with someone Louie met 3 years ago in Mallorca. She’d just been diagnosed and Louie connected us up. We’ve stayed in touch over the years. Coincidently she started treatment on the same day as me. She’s a filmmaker and has got involved with the project. We were going to wrap up filming once my treatment was done to concentrate on raising the money to make the rest of the film. As we’ve had to continue and currently have a tiny budget, she’s not only a Godsend but a welcome addition to the team. If it wasn’t for the placebo we might not have started working together.

The pic is one of our auction pieces for next week in Ibiza. It’s called Smile Britannia and it’s by urban artist Inkie. Inkie is coming to Ibiza with us and producing a portrait DJ/prodcuer Luciano to auction as well.

This entry was originally published May 19, 2013 on The Hepatitis C Trust. Reprinted with permission