
I’ve been exhausted the last few days. I’ve woken up with sore, tired body and mind. I’ve not bothered with the yoga. I felt like yoga would make me feel worse, not better. On Saturday I cancelled the filming I was supposed to do as my headache was back. On Sunday I didn’t go to see my brother. I had wanted to go to his house. The sun was out, his garden is a suntrap but most of all I wanted to see his children.

When Louie surfaced on Sunday morning I said, I’m fed up, I’ve been in the house a few days. I haven’t spoken to anyone but I don’t want anyone to come round. I want to go to Daniel’s but I can’t face the drive (half an hour). Can you please sit and talk to me? Both Louie and my brother said that with just over three weeks to go I should obey whatever my body is telling me do. I ended up spending a lot of the day chatting with Louie and we had a walk by the river.

Today I woke up and felt fine. I did yoga again for the first time in a week. I went into the office and I walked from Waterloo to London Bridge.

Today’s pic is the rainbow we saw from our house on Friday.

This entry was originally published April 15, 2013 on The Hepatitis C Trust. Reprinted with permission