10th of February 2016
It’s been 6 months since my treatment was completed and last Friday I went and got blood taken for my 24 week post treatment viral load.
Got the results today. No Virus Detected !!!!!
So I am officially SVR 24
Last May I travelled to India to buy generic Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin to treat my Hep C genotype 2. I did 12 weeks treatment supervised only by my GP. I had a few minor side effects like insomnia and some anxiety but nothing worth worrying about.
Toward the end of my treatment and after I completed my treatment I noticed a few weird things like my typing skills had gone strange, I frequently typed words back the front or scrambled. It was kind of like having Dyslexia. I was a bit worried about that but it went away after a couple of months. The end of treatment was most note worthy by the increase in strength and energy. People kept commenting on how much better I was looking. When I saw photos of myself from before treatment I realised how haggard I had been looking.
Now I am SVR 24... the people in the Hep C world who rubbished what I was doing now have egg on their faces. They were specialists in hospitals and the heads of Hep C advocacy groups like Hepatitis Australia... all warning people against using “dangerous” Indian generics now pretend that they really always supported the use of generics.
Now there are thousands of people who are cured of their Hepatitis C because of Indian generic Hep C medicines. Hurray for India!!!!!