22nd November
Quite a few people, particularly from Italy and other places in Europe are flying to Bangladesh to pick up a supply of Twinvir to treat their Hep C. 
As you would know Twinvir is a generic version of Harvoni made in Bangladesh by the company Incepta.
Because of the ongoing delays in India with the release of Indian generic Harvoni, a lot of people are going to Bangladesh. 
All the feedback I have had from people is thus far positive. The people at Incepta are helpful and the entire process can be completed in a couple of days.
Here is an example of the emails I am getting. I hope it may be of use to some of you thinking about this trip.
Dear Greg,
First, congratulations on getting to SVR12 - it must feel fantastic to know that you are now almost certainly clear of the virus for good. I very much hope that one day I will also get there.
In any case I thought I would drop you a line to tell you that I don’t now need the generic harvoni from India.  Because of the continued uncertainty as to when the Indian generic harvoni will be released I decided instead to go to Bangladesh to buy the Twinvir from Incepta, which I did last week. It was a flying visit. I stayed in Dhaka overnight but I was only away from the UK for 3 days. I have already started taking the tablets and as you can imagine I am very excited to have finally started treatment.
I am reconciled to the fact that in all probability I will get no help from the NHS in terms of monitoring and that I will have to pay for this myself privately. I think you are right in saying, as regrettable as this fact is, that at least part of the apparently widespread opposition by parts of the “medical establishment” to patient use of generic treatments is attributable to resentment of patients taking control of their own treatment outside of the “system” and the threat this poses to doctors’ and managers’ control of that system.
Thank you again for all your help, information and support. I may have said this to you before - but it will bear repetition - you and Dr Freeman represent a beacon of light in what would otherwise be a fairly dark world of treatment options for hepatitis c sufferers. 
Best wishes,