17th October 2015
Well I just has a few days away from the computer and traveled to Tasmania’s West Coast wilderness for a couple of days off trail bush walking.
Off trail means we were not following any any tracks but simply walking through pure wilderness into pristine and ancient forests. Our starting point was reached by driving my old four wheel drive over ten kilometers of very rough terrain that probably has one or two cars per year drive across it. Once we reached the end of the track we found a place to enter the forest and walked into the rugged and steep terrain. Because once in the forest one can not see the horizon or the sky we had to keep a very clear sense of direction and compass use was important. One of the reasons for this walk to that we wanted to locate an abandoned gold field from the 19th century that was located in on of the steep valleys. After a couple of hours walking we found it and followed the gravel stream through the primeval forest until we came the a junction of two ridged that marked our way out. We left the valley and followed the ridge back to near where the car was waiting. We walked all day through the most rugged terrain you can imagine. We traveled in a giant loop probably walking about 15 kilometers.
Why am I talking about this? What does it have to do with Hepatitis C? Well it is similar to my story about the hole I am digging, it is about the cure.
Six months ago I could not have done a walk of this length or difficulty, it would have been impossible. Now I can do it no problems, sure my feet and legs were sore but so were the feet and legs of the guy I went with who is 15 years younger than me and fit as a fiddle.
Every day now I get positive emails from people who are at different stages of their treatments. They are all reporting the dramatic and rapid improvements in their health, their energy levels, their mental and physical fitness.
Some are 4 weeks in to treatment, some have just completed treatment, all a feeling great and feeling positive about the future that only a few months ago had seemed so bleak.
Everyone reports improvements, no-one writes and says “Oh I’m 6 weeks into treatment and nothing has improved.”
Viral loads are down or gone. Liver functions have returned to normal for the first time in 20 years. Hope and health has returned. The cure is available now.
HI Greg
I am just into 5 days of sof and dac and I am stunned.I feel better than I have for ages.I feel like a lead weight that I have carried around for years without realising it has suddenly been lifted from my body.I had feared the opposite,after reading some negative accounts of side effects.
Could 5 days really make that much difference?I haven’t noticed any ill effects of the riba yet. In fact I went for a long bike ride yesterday.I keep wondering- is it this easy or is there much worse to come,or am I one of the lucky ones? My biggest fear is that I will forget to take the stuff. Have put a series of alarms on my mobile.
Anyway thanks and thanks again