I was into my first week of Hep C treatment when adversity came knocking with side effects. I found a powerful and effective battle strategy. This is part of what I noted in my treatment journal that day.
“Dealing with Hep C treatment side effects can be new every day. I thought about Forrest Gump this morning except I added a twist, ”Treatment for Hep C is like a box of chocolates, each day you never know what you’re doing to get."
Two months after my Hep C Treatment began, I posted this message. The message is just as clear and relevant today as it was then. See if you relate.
“Today is day 61, week 8 of triple therapy treatment for Hepatitis C. What do you do when progress is the name of the game and adversity tries to throw you a curve? Keep focused and keep moving forward. Be ”unswering" like the Bible talks about in Hebrews 10:23.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23
The definition of swerve is to turn abruptly aside from a straight course. So to be “unswerving” is to hold fast, keep focused, stay the course, stand firm, overcome adversity.
Adversity came knocking at my door this morning and delivered a package I did not want. I woke up to realize I was dealing with an additional infection. So I jumped on it like a dog on a bone, called my doctor and described what was going on. My doctor quickly responded, knew what the problem was and immediately called in some new medicine. I am so thankful for their help.
Adversity: infection, sores, hair thinning. Shift: New Meds (say good-bye infection!), medicine solution/ointment for the sores, for hair thinning, well it’s temporary and I started with lots of hair, besides I love hats. New hair doo, hum, that’s something to ponder.
The One I have Faith in is bigger than adversity anyway.
Lord, help me to remember today that even though adversity came calling, I don’t have to go for a ride. My faith and focus is in you. Lord, my battle strategy is founded in you. You charge me to be a warrior on every front. Grant me the strength and might of your Holy Spirit to conqueror the enemy. Lead me in the steps I need to take today. In Jesus name I ask and pray. Amen.
Have you ever had days like that when adversity came calling? In or out of Hep C treatment it happens doesn’t it? Just like a box of chocolates, we never know what we’re going to get. But we can show adversity the door.
I am grateful for God’s steady, unswerving hand even through the storm of adversity, we don’t have to sink. Steady the course! “Steady” that’s a great word for this week!
Has Adversity shown up at your door? What did you do?