A transformation happens when someone is diagnosed with Hep C; you take on battle mentality. You are transformed into a Hep C Warrior. You realize you are in the fight for your life. The battle begins with your mindset, and choices of how you’re going to fight Hep C.


I heard a story that reminded me what Hep C warriors face in treatment.  The man was describing a battle during WWII where a group of soldiers were engaged in heavy battle with the enemy and sent a radio message to their supporting company, the message said, “The enemy is to the north of us, The enemy is to the south of us, The enemy is on the east and west of us. This time we won’t let the enemy escape!”

Theses soldiers had already been engaged in heavy barrage of gunfire and kept moving forward. They were tired, without sleep, hungry, and yet the enemy would not give up, but neither did they. One might see this as a time to surrender or time of defeat. They took out more of the enemy during that time than any other battle they had been in. The one thing these brave soldiers did not have was a defeated spirit.  The results, victory!
What about your battle with Hep C? Do you feel surrounded by the enemy?  May I share an important battle mindset?  “Focus on giants-you stumble.  Focus on God-Your giants tumble.” -Max Lucado
How you choose to fight Hep C makes a difference. We can stand on faith in Christ and confident assurance that God is for us. He will give us the strength and help we need to win this battle and have victory.
“With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.”  Psalm 18:29 NIV
Here is another great nugget that applies to mental battle strategy with Hep C:  “As you look to the future, I want you to consider three major points: First, you need to pray to see beyond the obvious; then you need to pray beyond the possible, finally, you need to live beyond the temporary.” -Carole Lewis
With every pill you take say this, “Over the lips and through the gums, look out Hep C, here it comes!”
Remember this, living life beyond hepatitis C starts with a mental and spiritual mindset. Keep moving forward no matter what.  What’s that I hear rattling?  Oh, it’s just the enemy shaking in their boots!  Go getem’ Hep C Warrior, don’t let em’ escape!
This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C, September 28, 2015. It is reprinted with permission.