
The first cut of the promo is finished. I took one look at the way my hair looks in it and asked my sister-in law to chop it all off. She’s not even a hairdresser, she’s a photographer. So after lunch yesterday she got the scissors out and hacked it off. I had way too much hair, it was everywhere.The pic is my hair on the floor. The scissors are there to show just how much hair came off. My son says it looks like a dead rat. I feel lighter.

I’ve been spending the last few days writing a funding application. It’s taken an age to get it right because my thinking is too foggy. Everything I do involves more self-discipline than normal. In the morning after my pills I want to sleep. I feel toxic and achy. I push myself to get dressed and out of the house. Once I’m out I’m happy to be though. I feel more tired. I did my normal walk from Waterloo to London Bridge this morning and I had slowed down by the time I got to my office.

I’m going to post the promo on here soon, in a few days or so.

This entry was originally published March 4, 2013 on The Hepatitis C Trust. Reprinted with permission.