My most recent results are through and the virus is undetectable. I stuck the news up on FB yesterday and got an overwhelming response. Even though I can’t take it in yet the lovely reaction I’ve had from friends has made me happy. Louie said he felt the same when he 1st went clear.

I didn’t want him to tell anyone. I was scared it would come back and it would make things harder. He went ahead and told everyone anyway and enjoyed his moment. I understand why now. Last night over supper we said this is the 1st time we’ve sat together and both not had hep C.

This is the boost I needed to get me through the next few weeks. I went from 17 million copies of the virus to none in 4 weeks. The next few weeks are all about making sure it never returns.

This entry was originally published June 13, 2013 on The Hepatitis C Trust. Reprinted with permission.