Those of you who read my blog posts on a regular basis will know that for a long time I have been “banging the drum ” about Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir being the best Hepatitis C treatment.

Better than Epclusa, better than Mavyret, better than Harvoni AND much cheaper than all of them.

A recent study published only a few weeks ago in the Journal of Hepatology proves again that Sofosbuvir 400 mg + Daclatasvir 60 mg, as well as being the best treatment for genotype 1, Sof + Dac is also is the best treatment for Hepatitis C genotype 2 and genotype 3.

Adding Ribavirin
Importantly this study shows that Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir is equally effective with or without Ribavirin.

In fact adding Ribavirin appears to REDUCE the cure rate!!!!

In other words it proves that there is no point in including Ribavirin when treating Hep C G2 or G3.

This is very important because Ribavirin is very toxic and (particularly for women) can produce serious side effects.

The Best and the Cheapest
The fact is that the best Hepatitis C treatment is also the cheapest. Strangely it is also the treatment least likely to be prescribed in Western Countries such as the USA, Canada and Europe. The reason for this is that BIG Pharma does not make any money for Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir because the patent for Sofosbuvir is owned by Gilead and the patent for Daclatasvir is owned by BMS and the two Big Pharma giants could not come to an agreement on cooperation.

So it happens that the best and cheapest treatment for Hepatitis C is not being used because Big Pharma has let its greed block what is best for people with Hepatitis C

Click here to read the abstract of the research results and the rest of this blog. Greg’s blog is reprinted with permission, and the opinions expressed are entirely his.