More than Tested, Cured - Overcoming Barriers to HCV Care Webinar
Please join the Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, the People’s Harm Reduction Alliance, and the Urban Survivor’s Union for a webinar on June 15th. The webinar will provide an update about the “More than Tested, Cured” project that addresses barriers to hepatitis C care faced by individuals who use drugs. In addition to a project update, we will have time for Q&A and discussion. The Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition will share its findings from conversations with providers who treat active drug users. The People’s Harm Reduction Alliance will discuss its interviews with people who use drugs and their barriers to care. The Urban Survivor’s Union will talk about its focus group data from people who use drugs, including specific focus groups with women and stimulant users. Register here: