IMG_9254.JPGToday I am sharing a very special person in my life’s journey with hepatitis C. These are the words spoken from James Romesburg. A Veteran, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Friend and inspirational fighter and important part of The Bonnie Morgan Foundation for HCV.
For many, they know just how truly special this man has become in my life and my fight with hepatitis C. He not only has become My Mentor, My Friend but My Forever Brother. He has influenced many in the Hepatitis C community with his strong will, powerful words and courageous fight. His personal story begins with learning of his hepatitis C during a visit to the doctor for high blood pressure. Like many of us we wonder how we contracted the deadly virus.  Jim has traced it back to being in the United States Military. Contracting the virus through the air  guns at boot camp.

Words from James Romesburg and Debbie his wife:

"When James was starting treatment we joked about him getting better, I told him he can go back to work now. Where does one go after they are cured? How do they live their new life, so many questions and fears. Will the virus come back? Will I really feel better? What if I still feel sick? Illness has been his life, how do you let go of a sickness when its been almost like your best friend? Fear of letting go.

How do I learn to live in the moment? Not worrying about the past or my future, when that is what has consumed my head for all these years?... 

Trusting AGAIN.

No hiding from my past, my past as a patient, Dr. appointments, medication, how do I reconnect with my present life?  How do I become One with my body, mind and spirit? To connect the dots and put myself back together, in my mind, my relationships, in my new world?

Planning for my future- what is that? Living in the moment and living as you have dreamed once as a child. Once you start living again, eating better, exercise yoga, walking, meditation or reaching out to your spiritual guidance. Believing each day will get you back to the person you were meant to be."  James and Debbie Romesburg

Very powerful heartfelt words that James has shared. Sharing as many of us who have been treated, cured are faced with daily now. May his words shed light, empower and give you light on the path to good health. 

Thank you my friend, my brother for truly being that one person who influences my daily journey.  I will forever be grateful and blessed our paths crossed. I know your words, your wisdom and your story will touch many other lives out there. We will continue this journey together and shed light on personal experiences to help others gain confidence and direction.
Bless you~  

“Not without a FIGHT!~HCV~(c)”  Together WE are STRONG!