Waiting for Hepatitis C treatment and recovery is not easy. Patients naturally want to move forward with treatment and recovery right away. So whether you’re waiting for insurance approval, tests, or waiting for whatever the reason, waiting can be hard.

We live in an instant society. We are use to receiving quick results for whatever it is we’re waiting for. Waiting for a health issue to resolve can bring on worry, anger, unrest, frustration and more. Our desire is to hit the fast forward button and get treatment going fast and move through recovery quickly.

When you’ve done everything you can on your part to get treatment going, and move through the recovery phase, beyond all the reasons for waiting, ponder this, God has His perfect timing in mind for you.

There are many examples in the Bible for waiting but this one spoke to my heart as a Hep C patient who is trying to be patient in the process of waiting. Look at waiting from God’s perspective for YOU.

But the dove could find no place to set it’s feet. . . so it returned to Noah in the ark. . . He waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in it’s beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Genesis 8:9-11

There is one great factor to reply on while we are waiting, trust! Trusting God in the midst of our waiting period, trusting in His perfect timing to achieve the plans He has for us. Trust is really an action step in this regard.

Trusting for:

  1. Timing to be perfect.
  2. Conditions to be right.
  3. He is working things out for our good that we cannot see as He prepares the way.
  4. He knows our future and what is best.
  5. He could be waiting for YOU to turn to Him.

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C, and is reprinted with permission.