Editor’s Note: People with hepatitis C and other major health issues spend a great deal of time waiting. Blogger Connie Welch explores the theme of waiting as she looks back at her experience with hepatitis C treatment. 

Hep C Warriors actively wait through all phases of Hep C. Waiting with Hep C; to hear test results, waiting to hear if we’re approved for treatment, waiting as we prepare for Hep C treatment, waiting through treatment side effects and waiting for treatment to be completed. Actively waiting and trusting in blood work results. Actively waiting and trusting to see if your body responds to treatment. And actively waiting and trusting that the Hep C Giant has been defeated and will never return. Actively waiting is Faith in Action.

I’m taking a look back at 4 years ago this month when I was at the beginning of another phase of waiting, my post treatment recovery. Can you relate to this time of waiting?

This week marks 2 months of Post Hep C Treatment. The decent continues down the mountain of treatment with continued recovery. In many ways I feel like my life has been on hold and I fell into a time warp during my Hep C treatment.

This year’s theme has been about ‘waiting.’ Waiting as the Lord prepared the way before me. Holding on to His promises as my lifeline. Waiting is a big part of the treatment and recovery process. There are many ‘waiting’ moments in our lives. Waiting does not always mean being still, but actively waiting is staying steady on course, focus on the finish line all the while taking hold of God’s promises.

Waiting brings great opportunities to shift our focus from our circumstances to actively seeing through the eyes of faith. Trusting in God even though we cannot see beyond the moment, He is there. The best thing to say in those ‘waiting’ moments is, “You are my God, Jesus You Reign”

A wonderful testament of faith that Roy Lessin wrote is, “The eyes of Faith can see what your physical eyes can never see. The knowing of Faith goes beyond what your natural mind can ever comprehend. The possession of Faith receives what your physical arms can never embrace. Your faith in God is your lifeline to His heartbeat; it is the hand that reaches up and takes hold of God’s promises.

Whatever you’re going through today can you say as David did, “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God. My times are in your hands. Psalm 31:14-15 NIV. Nest on it, memorize it and make it apart of your prayer to Him who Reigns in your life.

Are you waiting with Hep C? What are you waiting for?

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C, and is reprinted with permission.