The Senate leadership has revived its efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with its most radical proposal yet – a bill sponsored by Senators Graham (R-SC) and Cassidy (R-LA). The Graham-Cassidy bill would imperil the health of the estimated 5 million Americans living with hepatitis B or C by legalizing discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions and dismantling Medicaid. Specifically, the bill would:

  • Allow states to waive the ACA’s prohibition against charging people with pre-existing conditions higher premiums;
  • Allow states to opt out of the ACA’s Essential Health Benefit requirements, which include prescription drugs, preventive services, and substance use disorder treatment;
  • Eliminate the ACA’s marketplace subsidies and enhanced matching rate for the Medicaid expansion, replacing them instead with an inadequate lump-sum block grant that would not adjust based on need;
  • Allow states to spend block grant funding on virtually any health care purpose, with no requirement to offer low- and moderate-income people coverage or financial assistance; and
  • Gut Medicaid by installing a per capita cap structure that limits funding for the states, which will then be forced to cut eligibility and benefits.

Please call or email your two U.S. Senators to ask them to oppose Graham-Cassidy and any legislation that does not adequately protect people living with hepatitis B or C.

Sample Script:

“I am [calling/emailing] as a constituent of Senator ______ to request that he/she oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill. This bill would leave millions more people uninsured and would strip critical protections away from people with pre-existing conditions. 

[I/ my family member/partner/friend] have a pre-existing condition called [hepatitis B or C], which insurance companies could use to discriminate against me/them under this bill. My/their health depends on Senator ____ voting against Graham-Cassidy.

I expect Senator _______ to publicly state his/her opposition to this inhumane bill and prioritize the health and well-being of his/her constituents.”

Please contact Elizabeth Paukstis, Public Policy Director at NVHR, with any questions.