By Jennifer Morton (Managing Editor, Hep)

true-blood-logo.jpg*True Blood Spoiler Alert*

On Sunday night the world learned about a new lethal strain of hepatitis. Lethal for vampires, that is. “Hepatitis V” was introduced to True Blood fans in the recent episode “Don’t You Feel Me” as part of the latest plan by the Louisiana Anti-Vampire Task Force (LAVTF) to destroy all vampires.

According to the LAVTF’s Dr. Overlark, hepatitis V can be transmitted in the following ways:
  1. Ingestion
  2. Copulation (both vaginal and anal)
  3. Injection
When vampire hottie Eric Northman turns the only daughter of Louisiana’s governor into a vampire, the head of state exacts his revenge by injecting Eric’s sister Nora with the fatal strain, which will kill her slowly and painfully.

true-blood-logo.jpgBut that’s only the beginning of the plan. As Eric soon discovers, bottles of Tru Blood (a brand of synthetic bottled blood engineered by Japanese scientists) have been contaminated with hepatitis V and are about to be distributed to the general vampire population.

Will Eric save the day and his fellow vampires? Tune into True Blood on HBO to find out.

For info about actual strains of hepatitis that affect humans, click here.