getting_a_hug.jpgWe need Strength to Fight Hepatitis C. Whether you’re dealing with treatment for Hepatitis C or not, life can be difficult and cause you to feel give out. There are days when you feel like your feet have been knocked out from under you and you can’t go on any further.

We can get easily caught up in faulty thinking that if we can be strong enough on our own we can handle anything. The truth is we were never meant to handle things on our own. God has always reached out to help us do what we could never do on our own. Our strength comes from Christ.

He wants us to seek Him and put Him first in ALL things. He provides what we can not. He loves us so much and desires for us to reach out to Him. He is there to walk us through the dark valley and beyond.

This week’s featured song is, “Strong Enough” by Matthew West. I love this song because it speaks a great truth, we can pour out our hearts to Christ and tell him we can’t do this on our own. This song echo’s our scripture verse for this week,
Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

May the words of this song and scripture speak to your weary warrior’s heart and help you embrace God’s strength for YOU.

What are you facing this week?

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C August 26. It is reprinted with permission.