Monday July 25 is National African American Hepatitis C Action Day. NVHR sat down with Tina Reynolds, co-founder of Formerly Incarcerated and Convicted People’s Movement, Reproductive and Justice Activist and Director of Equity and Inclusion at the North Carolina Survivors Union, to hear about her experience living with hepatitis C and what advice she has for the Black community in handling a hepatitis C diagnosis.

Click here to read Tina’s story, or watch excerpts from our interview with Tina.

Tina shares what strategies and assets the Black community brings to eliminating viral hepatitis:

Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access from NVHR on Vimeo.

Tina discusses what she has learned from her work on mass incarceration that could help viral hepatitis advocates:

NAAHCAD - Tina Reynolds Interview #2 from NVHR on Vimeo.

Tina gives her advice to those in the Black community who are living with or are at risk for hepatitis C:

NAAHCAD - Tina Reynolds Interview #3 from NVHR on Vimeo.