This series began with how to use heart-based practices to better your health at any time, specifically when struggling with serious health concerns that could include the prospect or reality of surgery.
Part two, in the same vein, introduced the role of nutrition in the healing process.
Now, in part three, we will begin to look at the role of attitude to enhance healing, and the findings in the field of what has become known as Mind/Body Medicine.
Mind/Body Medicine refers to a growing body of evidence that shows how the mind is involved in healing - how expectation decisively influences outcome, how awareness, attention, and intention are a critical part of health care.
There is evidence that shows that, as mysterious as healing is, there is a connection from the mind that actually reduces or eliminates disease or illness. Deepak Chopra, M.D., a former practicing endocrinologist, noticed cancer patients who recovered after being diagnosed as terminal. He now writes and speaks about the link between Western medicine, neuroscience, physics, and insights of ancient Ayurveda theory, and the network of intelligence that can change our physiology with the potential to defeat disease and even aging.
here to read the full blog entry on Starr Wellness Coaching.