Over the next few days I’m going to spend a little time talking about Italy because that is where I think the next big breakthrough on Hep C generics is going to happen.
Over the last 12 months I have helped a lot of Italians to access generic Hep C medicnes. Some have flown to India, some flew to Barcelona when I was there. Some have rented a room in the UK for a few nights and I organised for the meds to be sent there. Others drove up to Geneva when I was able to organise medicines to be left there. Lots of different ways, all ways for people to get cured of their Hepatitis C.
The story below is one where a shipment of generic Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir was organised to be sent to London to an Italian lady. The plan was that the meds would be sent to her in a hotel where she would stay. But just at this point in time the Indian Customs started a crack down on the export of generics and every time her meds were sent the Indian Customs would seize them at the airport. However my friend in India who was organising this was determined to get these medicines to the patient and every time Customs siezed the meds... well he just sent another lot until eventually one parcel made it through.
It was a tense time for everyone... here is her story, which she emailed me yesterday.
Hi Greg this is my story,
As you know because of your recommendations I bought the Hep C medicines from Parag on June, and decided to go through the London channels which you kindly explained to me.
It ’was a great adventure!
I had booked the flight, the hotel, but then received word from Parag that the drug would not arrive at the destination. Every time he sent it the Customs seized it in India and it continued to be sent back to him, this for 3 times, while the days were running away with this crazy problem the departure was forthcoming.
The day before the departure I received confirmation from Parag that the parcel had finally got through Customs and was on its way to its destination!

What a relief! I was so worried.

So I arrived at my hotel and the next day there was my purchase. I was so, so pleased then I arranged for the return to Italy.
I decided not to carry the medcines on board in my little suitcase because of exaggerated checks at the airport. So it went in my big suitcase with the luggage. In fact, it took 2 hours to check in!
I was with my partner sitting comfortably in my seat ready for take-off, when the hostess announced that the plane will depart late because disembarking of suspicious luggage.
The plane eventually left after I spent two hours of endless worry that it might be my luggage.
For me it was the first time that the luggage of the passengers were off-loaded in a departing flight.
As soon as we arrived in Italy I went to toilet. I was so very nervous. In the mean time my partner got the luggage and went through Customs.
He told me hurry up and get out of the toilet.
He had suitcase, we had the medicines, the cure and I felt reborn.

I started my treatment immediately, my good doctor followed me step by step, and he was as pleased as me when the results from the first check up showed that the virus was not detected !!!
Today I took my last pill, next week will make my blood test and I will meet my doctor.
I’m genotype 3 with FibroScan F1 my treatment Sofosbvuir and Daclatasvir for 12 weeks.
Now I just have to wait for the next six months, my mood is positive! smile emoticon:)
I feel I have to thank you Mr. Greg for what you do , thanks to Parag, and thanks to my doctor!
Wishing you all the best for you and your family