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I thought I would reflect on an important mile marker, the first week I began triple therapy treatment for Hepatitis C in April 2012. It’s hard to believe this is behind me now and I’ve come through the dark valley by God’s grace a conqueror.

April 2014 marks 2 years from treatment for Hep C.  When I look back, I see God’s hand and footprints all over the place. It’s important to remember these times, and how faithful God was and still is.

These 10 Lesson’s I learned that first week of treatment for Hepatitis C continue to ring true. Join with me in revisting April 16th, 2012.~~~~~

Today marks the first week completed for “triple therapy” treatment for Hepatitis C. Now I’m diving into week 2. The best word I can think of to sum up this week is, “Whew”!  This has been a major adjustment week. I am so glad to be checking a full week off.

Thank you Jesus for holding on and not letting go. This week was been full of many challenges. Each day has brought something new. I wanted to share Ten things that have helped make this week go better.

1.  Keeping focused on Christ, His word, and leaning on Him for strength has been vital.
2.  Each day is a new day. Don’t get caught up thinking whatever you feel like today is going to be that way tomorrow, or for that matter, the next ten minutes!
3.  Fat has been my friend (I can’t believe I’m saying that, but it’s true, especially if you’re taking Incivek).
4.  Keep something on your stomach all the time.  Eat  a little something even if you don’t feel like it. It will help your blood sugar, nausea and give you some energy.
5.  Drink tons of water!
6.  It’s OK to push yourself a little. Try to set a small goal each day and work toward it. If it takes longer to accomplish it, that’s OK too, you’re still moving in the right direction.
7.  Give yourself a break and take a nap or lay down. Your body needs it!
8.  Let others help you. The care and support you receive from others is a gift and gives you strength.
9.  Try to look beyond the temporary circumstances and ask God to help you see it another way. Look for some humor.
10.  Making a Thankfulness journal and listing 10 things a day to be thankful for helps you keep your focus on the good things.

Taking the plunge is not always easy, but if you don’t you’ll never move beyond where you’re at.    

What are you diving into this week? 
Diving Into Hepatitis C Treatment Week 2
This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C April 23. It is reprinted with permission.