11705319_10156043663465643_9198201207601051795_n.jpgIt’s been a lovely weekend here in Australia, my small part of it anyway. After a week of freezing temps and snowfalls over large parts of the higher country of New South Wales, it was sun, sun, sun.

I did the laundry. I managed to get clothes dry without draping them all over drying racks in the room with the fire. I picked up horse manure. I walked the dog. I washed the car. I went into town for breakfast and coffee and the crossword.

My treatment, side effects, concerns, anxieties and any other hep C related thoughts did not pass through my mind other than to make a fleeting trip in and back out again.

Perhaps this is what life without hep C might be like ... one can but hope! I have often wondered what you shed when you shed the virus. I don’t think you totally shed the anxiety of further health complications, but surely you shed the immediate gut-churning fact of living with a virus you have no control over (a bit like living with teenagers, really).

I’d like to go back on focusing on the small things that make me happy. I’d like to spend more time thinking about the future. I’d like more weekends like the one I just had. Uneventful, uncomplicated and joyful.