I had hepatitis C for almost ten years before I met another person who had it. Actually, I probably talked to lots of people who had it, but either they didn’t know it or it didn’t come up in conversation. The first time I spoke to another human being who had hepatitis C, I felt giddy.

Talking to another person who has this disease is like coming home. It gives me hope. It breaks my heart to think of those who are isolated with this disease, unable to talk to another because they live in under threat of stigma. Speaking up can create freedom or pain. I am grateful that I live freely with hepatitis C.

If you have hepatitis C , and have never talked to anyone who knows what it is like to live with this virus, I recommend finding others who have it. Hepatitis C groups can be found online (Facebook, Yahoo, Google Groups, etc.)  and in local communities. You can also contact Help-4-Hep at 877.help.4.hep  (877-435-7443).