Welcome to Hep C Healthy Highlights Session 3. Today we take our goals and put them into action, by building a Habit Tracker. This method was developed by the Mayo Clinic to help patients achieve weight loss. It’s also a stellar tool to use for all areas of improvement. I took the basics and designed it to work on a variety of goals in my life. The results were amazing.

The Habit Tracker helped me get unstuck, and up and running toward achieving goals. This tool moved me from good intentions to ACTION and RESULTS.

In Sessions 1 and 2 we talked about the importance of setting goals. In order to make our goals take action, a smart goal needs a smart plan. If you want to overcome where you are right now with whatever healthy goal you have in mind, you have to look at this from a new perspective.

Albert Einstein said, “the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results.” Let me ask you, “How has your previous plan or lack of plans been working for you?”

Our daily choices and actions we do everyday can easily become our habits. Some habits are healthy, wise choices and some can be destructive. But regardless, we do them over and over daily and we settle into our comfort zone with our habits. We can make an intentional step toward change but this takes work, a plan fueled by perseverance. Ask yourself this question, “Do your habits master you? Think about this honestly. If you were to change your routine, or your choices, would this be easy?

We either control our habits, or our habits control us. If you desire to move beyond where you’re at into a healthy lifestyle, a Habit Tracker will help you get there. Do this exercise with me, Think about a Ladder, if you were in a pit or hole, a ladder would help you get out of the pit. Each rung represents a new healthy habit, when you work on these daily you get out of the pit...To read the rest of Hep C Healthy Highlight Session 3: How to Build a Habit Tracker, click here

This entry was originally published on Life Beyond Hepatitis C, February 25, 2016 and is reprinted with permission.