I can’t say I’ve enjoyed this week much. I’ve been dogged by fatigue and feeling a bit toxic and dizzy a lot of the time. I realise when I leave the house that I’m quite irritable too. If my son reads this he’s going to be asking why I only realise this when I leave the house.
The weather has been unremittingly cold and grey for a long time and I’m sick of wearing the same winter clothes. Today I put on a bright red spring dress teamed with flowery trainers and a pale pink leather jacket.
On the tube a smartly dressed man gave me a thoroughly snotty and obvious up and down look. At the best of times I would have held his look with a stern look of my own until he looked away. Today I flashed him a look so full of murderous intent that he kept his eyes closed, blocking me out, until I got off at London Bridge.
On escalators I want to punish people who stand on the left, stopping the flow of passengers that want to walk up and down. I feel now is the time to grab my eldest niece and take a drive with her to Covent Garden. We can drive down all the tiny roads where pedestrians walk in the middle of the street and loudly beep so they jump out of their skins. It’s a childish thing to do but it makes us laugh and it would get a bit of my aggressiveness and my castigation urges out.
I must add that we’ve never gone to Convent Garden with the sole intention of doing this. We’ve been there on a shopping trip (and done it). The pic is my mismatched shoes and dress.
This entry was originally published March 22, 2013 on The Hepatitis C Trust. Reprinted with permission.