A documentary film exposing America’s unofficial “Oxycontin capital” and the prescription drug’s devastating effects premiered at New York City’s Tribeca Film Festival, The Daily Beast reports.
Oxyana, the title of the documentary, comes from a local nickname for the small mining town of Oceana, West Virginia, where the majority of its 1,500 residents are addicted to Oxycontin, a common pain relief pill. Through interviews with addicts, concerned citizens, doctors, sex workers and politicians, among many others, director Sean Dunne paints a dire story of the abuse, decay and disease wrought by so-called “Hillbilly heroin.”
In the film, a doctor at a nearby community hospital estimates that 50 percent of newborns from Oceana are born addicted to Oxycontin and require intensive methadone treatment. He also said that needle sharing from injecting the opioid solutions has also raised the town’s rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection to dangerous levels.
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Documentary Links Oxycontin Abuse With Hep C